Date & Time
Sunday, July 16, 2023, 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
320 Moral Resilience in Correctional Health Care: Strive to Thrive

Correctional health care staff experience moral distress when institutional constraints deprive them from practicing in an ethical and safe environment. This presentation will focus on evidence-based practices that correctional health care staff can use to increase moral resilience. Using ethical principles and evidence-based practices, the audience will learn practical approaches to promote moral resilience through self-care techniques and small group discussion that will move them beyond surviving to thriving.

Educational Objectives

  • Identify factors that contribute to moral distress in correctional health care settings
  • Describe evidence-based strategies for moving from moral distress to moral resilience
  • Review evidence-based self-care techniques to enhance self-esteem and self-awareness

Level: Intermediate