Date & Time
Tuesday, November 2, 2021, 3:15 PM - 4:15 PM
460 It's Not a Cocktail Party: Why Depositions Can Turn a Good Case Bad (Quickly)*

No matter how appropriate the care of an offender might be, or how defensible the claim is, the deposition of site nurses, doctors and correctional officers can turn the tide on a defensible case. Invariably, persons being deposed are not familiar with the process, and naturally nervous tendencies compel them to say things that deeply harm the defense case, often without them even realizing it. Learn how to avoid doing substantial damage when testifying.

Educational Objectives:

Discuss the true use of depositions in correctional medicine litigation

Recognize the tricks and traps employed by opposing counsel in depositions

Contrast the value of simple answers against talking too much

Level: Intermediate
