Full Name
Rhonda Champagne LICSW
Job Title
Private Practice
Correcting Treatment in Corrections
Speaker Bio
Ms. Rhonda Champagne is a licensed clinical social worker known for her deep passion in advocating for her clients and fighting to educate about trauma-informed and recovery-based treatment. She started her professional career as a case manager after obtaining her Bachelor of Science as well as a master's degree in social work. In November 2015, Ms. Champagne was hired by the Montana Department of Corrections to implement a trauma-informed pilot treatment program for incarcerated adult women at Riverside. The experience was life-changing for the residents who experienced the program, for Riverside staff who defined, implemented, and executed the program, and for Ms. Champagne, both professionally and personally. That program worked at Riverside by reducing recidivism rates from an 84% return rate to a 20% return rate. This level of success amazed many, especially the women residents who attended the program. She is a co-author of the book Correcting Treatment in Corrections.