Full Name
Annie Ramniceanu MS
Job Title
Addiction & Mental Health Systems Director
Vermont Department of Corrections
Speaker Bio
Annie Ramniceanu has worked in the field of community based integrated mental health and substance use disorder treatment with the criminal justice population for over 20 years. In that capacity her roles have included serving as the Clinical Director of a youth and young adult-based nonprofit, Adjunct Professor at the University of Vermont School of Education, and Associate Professor at the University of Vermont Medical College.
She has also served as the Chair of the Vermont Alcohol and Drug Certification Board, the President of the Vermont Addiction Professionals Association, the Vice President of the IC& RC (International Certification & Reciprocity Consortium), and currently serves as an appointed special advisor to the Vermont Secretary of State Office of Professional Regulation.
Ms. Ramniceanu transitioned to work in state government in 2014 when she was appointed as the first Pretrial Services Director in Vermont. In 2016, Pretrial Services was transitioned to the Attorney General’s office, and she was offered an additional appointment based on her needs assessment of the Department of Corrections. Based on that assessment, she developed the role of Executive Director of Addiction and Mental Health Systems and has been continuously reappointed since that time.
During the 2017-2018 legislative session her work included technical assistance to the legislature regarding the development of Act 176 which directs the Department to offer and provide all FDA approved medication assisted treatment options to all inmates based on medical necessity.
In addition to overseeing MAT service delivery and quality improvement, Annie serves as a contract monitor with a Health Oversight team and is, among many other activities, focused on developing a Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administrations/SAMHSA Recovery Oriented System of Care- which is a “no wrong door” framework that is person centered and supports a continuum of integrated mental health -substance use services which includes forensic correctional facility-based Recovery Coaching.
This work also includes extensive collaboration with other state government stakeholders and community-based partners. The vision is to create a seamless forensic friendly suite of services and activities that strengthen individual and community health wellness and resilience.
Lastly, Annie is a very proud member of the National Academy of State Health Policy Steering Committee and Behavioral Health, Aging, and Disability Subcommittee and then also of LEAP, the Law Enforcement Action Partnership which advances justice and public safety solutions.
She has also served as the Chair of the Vermont Alcohol and Drug Certification Board, the President of the Vermont Addiction Professionals Association, the Vice President of the IC& RC (International Certification & Reciprocity Consortium), and currently serves as an appointed special advisor to the Vermont Secretary of State Office of Professional Regulation.
Ms. Ramniceanu transitioned to work in state government in 2014 when she was appointed as the first Pretrial Services Director in Vermont. In 2016, Pretrial Services was transitioned to the Attorney General’s office, and she was offered an additional appointment based on her needs assessment of the Department of Corrections. Based on that assessment, she developed the role of Executive Director of Addiction and Mental Health Systems and has been continuously reappointed since that time.
During the 2017-2018 legislative session her work included technical assistance to the legislature regarding the development of Act 176 which directs the Department to offer and provide all FDA approved medication assisted treatment options to all inmates based on medical necessity.
In addition to overseeing MAT service delivery and quality improvement, Annie serves as a contract monitor with a Health Oversight team and is, among many other activities, focused on developing a Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administrations/SAMHSA Recovery Oriented System of Care- which is a “no wrong door” framework that is person centered and supports a continuum of integrated mental health -substance use services which includes forensic correctional facility-based Recovery Coaching.
This work also includes extensive collaboration with other state government stakeholders and community-based partners. The vision is to create a seamless forensic friendly suite of services and activities that strengthen individual and community health wellness and resilience.
Lastly, Annie is a very proud member of the National Academy of State Health Policy Steering Committee and Behavioral Health, Aging, and Disability Subcommittee and then also of LEAP, the Law Enforcement Action Partnership which advances justice and public safety solutions.
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