Date & Time
Sunday, October 1, 2023, 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM
P06 Stop the Cycle: The Opioid Crisis, Recidivism, and Homelessness*

Sponsored by the Academy of Correctional Health Professionals

Addiction has not only devastated cities and towns across America, but it has also challenged and changed jails, prisons, and the legal system. Unsurpassed amounts of lethal illegal drugs coupled with past abuses of prescription opioids have also substantially contributed to an unprecedented homeless population. Regions all over the country are looking for solutions to substance abuse, mental illness, and unnecessary deaths. These complex issues directly impact our jails and prisons. Correctional facilities have had to change course, implement MAT treatment, and meet the challenge of contraband drugs such as Fentanyl entering our facilities. The speakers will discuss strategies to combat this national crisis and the impact of opioid addiction from administrative, custody, and health care perspectives. 3 CE credits

Discounted rate for Academy members: $79 Nonmembers: $99, includes one year of Academy membership