Full Name
Emilia Dunham
State of Massachusetts
Speaker Bio
Ms. Emilia Dunham is the senior manager of health and justice policy and programs at MassHealth. At MassHealth Ms. Dunham led the development and implementation of the pilot program and subsequent statewide reentry initiative called Behavioral Health Supports for Justice Involved Individuals. Ms. Dunham has worked to successfully expand Medicaid services for populations experiencing homelessness and justice involvement, including the expansion of coverable services for chronically homeless and justice involved MassHealth managed care and fee-for-service members, and serves as the program lead for those services. Ms. Dunham manages other interagency efforts at MassHealth to provide prerelease services to members prior to their release from correctional institutions, coordinating considerably with criminal justice and other state agencies at the county and state level. Prior to MassHealth, Ms. Dunham was a project manager at The Fenway Institute of Fenway Health in Boston. At Fenway, Ms. Dunham managed behavioral health studies and assessments and coordinated policy efforts for LGBTQ populations. Independent of her professional roles, Ms. Dunham continues to consult on LGBTQ health topics. Additionally, Ms. Dunham obtained master’s degrees in business administration and public policy from the Heller School for Social Policy and Management, Brandeis University.
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