Date & Time
Tuesday, July 20, 2021, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
305 Stepping up Your Mental Health Treatment Game Plan
Development of individualized treatment plans is a key element of effective correctional mental health services. Although the NCCHC standards lay out the requirements for treatment plans, many mental health professionals and clinical supervisors struggle to develop strong plans that address the needs of the client population. This presentation reviews the NCCHC standards and presents recommendations for improved treatment plans.
Learning Objectives
- Review key terms related to mental health treatment in carceral settings
- Identify common missteps and errors in treatment of mental health patients
- Explain the principles for developing effective treatment plans
Walter Campbell PhD, CCHP-MH, Chief Psychologist, Idaho Dept of Correction
Laura Watson LCSW, MSW, CCHP-MH, Clinical Supervisor, Idaho Department of Correction
Laura Watson LCSW, MSW, CCHP-MH, Clinical Supervisor, Idaho Department of Correction
Mental Health