Date & Time
Tuesday, October 25, 2022, 8:15 AM - 9:15 AM
435 John's Journey: ASQing and Responding to Suicide Risk*

This presentation goes beyond increasing professional awareness of suicide risk factors and warning signs to highlight critical actions. Attendees will meet "John" and follow him from facility admission to discharge, as the presenters highlight opportunities to intervene and protect patients like him from suicide. The National Institute for Mental Illness's Ask Suicide-Screening Questions (ASQ) and Brief Suicide Screening Assessment tools, validated instruments tailored to this population, will be introduced. High-risk times during incarceration and the need for ongoing assessment will be discussed.

Educational Objectives

  • Recognize the need for ongoing suicide screening throughout incarceration
  • Identify behavioral and mood changes that can indicate increased suicide risk
  • Explain the concept of suicide step-downs

Level Intermediate