Date & Time
Monday, October 21, 2024, 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
408 Clinical and Legal Considerations for Managing Withdrawal*

Correctional facilities must have protocols and guidelines to manage withdrawal from alcohol, opioids, and benzodiazepines. Medical and security teams must work together seamlessly to monitor, treat, and, when necessary, refer detoxing patients. Protocols must be updated and comply with the community standard of care to ensure patient health and prevent lawsuits. This talk will explore how to create comprehensive withdrawal protocols that insulate medical and security staff from liability.

Educational Objectives

  • Discuss how to create withdrawal protocols that account for facility resources, involve staff, and address the most common presentations of withdrawal
  • Relate how detailed and proactive withdrawal protocols result in decreased liability and fewer lawsuits
  • Identify strategies for involving clinical and custody staff in withdrawal protocols to reduce the risk of litigation
