Date & Time
Tuesday, October 22, 2024, 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM
464 Leveraging New Federal Policies to Expand Access to Substance Use Care and Strengthen Reentry*

This presentation will address recent federal policy reforms and initiatives as well as legal developments important to strengthening substance use treatment and other health care access for incarcerated people. Topics include expanding access to medications for opioid use disorder, including through telehealth; implementing Medicaid section 1115 reentry waivers and new youth reentry requirements; and understanding new privacy rules. The speaker will identify concrete steps to put those opportunities into practice.

Educational Objectives

  • Examine how new federal policies can improve access to substance use treatment and other needed health care at reentry
  • Describe various models for providing MOUD in a jail or prison setting
  • Apply session learnings to plan MOUD for the participant's own jurisdiction
