Full Name
Melinda Cerda LVN, CCHP
Job Title
Quality Management Specialist
San Bernardino County Probation
Speaker Bio
Ms. Melinda Cerda is an experienced Quality Management Specialist specializing in correctional health care at San Bernardino County Probation Medical Services. With over 15 years of tenure, she ensures the highest standards of care for incarcerated individuals. Melinda began her journey in 1998 as a Licensed Vocational Nurse and later became the Quality Management Specialist in 2011, assuming a strategic and leadership-oriented role. As a certified correctional health care professional, Melinda understands the unique challenges of providing health care in correctional settings. She maintains up-to-date policies, conducts audits, sets benchmarks, and develops studies to improve the quality of care. Her contributions to addressing health care needs, publishing peer-reviewed articles, and leading projects have made her a respected figure in the field, positively impacting incarcerated individuals' healthcare in San Bernardino County Probation Medical Services.