Date & Time
Tuesday, May 2, 2023, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
134 Pharmacotherapy Principles and Practices to Prevent Overprescribing*

Studies found that Americans have a stronger response to placebo than people in any other country or society that has been studied. And that placebo effect is increasing over time, according to Haider Warraich, MD, author of The Songs of Our Scars. This presentation will delineate methods to address the polypharmacy that is rampant in this country, both in the community and in corrections.

Educational Objectives
  • Explore how to prescribe and deprescribe in a thoughtful manner
  • Identify strategies for lifestyle modifications in the challenging environment of correctional health care
  • Describe the fine line between the placebo and nocebo effects and how to communicate this to teammates and patients

Level: Intermediate