Full Name
Debra Scarlett MS
Job Title
Vice President Community Support Services
Centurion Health
Speaker Bio
Ms. Debra Scarlett, MS, is Vice President, Community Support Services for Centurion Health responsible for the oversight of their contracts in Connecticut, California, and New Mexico. She began her tenure with Centurion Health in the position of program director for the New Haven Juvenile Risk Reduction Center in 2005 where she oversaw the operation of the 64-slot, community-based service program which provides research-validated, evidence-based group therapy to post-adjudication adolescents. Ms. Scarlett has been working in the social services field for over 30 years with both juvenile and adult criminal justice populations. Ms. Scarlett developed an interest in generational diversity while completing her master's degree in organizational effectiveness and leadership and has been facilitating trainings and discussion on the topic for the past two years.
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