This presentation describes ReConnect Us, a federally funded demonstration project to support continuity of care among people with HIV reentering the community after a period of incarceration. This project enhances collaboration and establishes data sharing among partners including the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, the South Carolina Department of Corrections, and the University of South Carolina School of Medicine. The project emphasizes postrelease HIV care engagement, adherence to treatment, and viral suppression maintenance. Attendees can expect to gain in-depth knowledge of the steps needed to initiate an enhanced discharge planning and postrelease linkage-to care-program for persons with HIV.
Educational Objectives
- Relate the benefits of public health and corrections partnerships to improve outcomes across the HIV care continuum
- Discuss how data can used to improve program development, implementation, quality of care, and participant outcomes in a collaborative reentry program
- Identify successes, challenges, and lessons learned about successful community reentry for persons with HIV
Level: Intermediate