Date & Time
Monday, October 21, 2024, 10:30 AM - 11:45 AM
407 Pioneering CME 1115 Medicaid Waivers and the Impact on Reentry*

In January 2023, California become the first state to receive a federal Medicaid 1115 waiver that has allowed a targeted set of Medicaid services to be provided for eligible incarcerated people within 90 days of their release. The coordinated community reentry process to connect them with physical, behavioral, and social health, and Medi-Cal managed care providers is complex and in its infancy. Learn about a medium-size county jail's experience with Cal-AIM implementation thus far.

Educational Objectives

  • Describe implementation of the CMS 1115 demonstration waiver at a medium-sized jail in California
  • List six ways a state's approval for a 1115 waiver could affect medical and custody operations
  • Explain the likely benefits and challenges of implementing a state mandated CMS 1115 waiver
