Date & Time
Monday, May 1, 2023, 10:15 AM - 11:30 AM
104 Medication-Related Laws: From Due Process to Informed Consent*

Many correctional health care lawsuits stem from dissatisfaction over medication choices, whether the patient is not getting their drug of choice or is incapable of making good medical decisions. This session explores claims including involuntary medication, health care proxies, medication noncompliance and resulting discontinuation, and informed consent. Learn about federal and state laws on these topics, as well as best practices and how to lessen litigation risk.

Educational Objectives
  • Examine the federal due process requirements surrounding involuntary medication
  • Discuss the factors that courts examine to determine if a patient is competent to make medical decisions and the role of health care proxies
  • Describe the necessary documentation to support a decision to discontinue a noncompliant patient's medication

Level: Intermediate