Your registration includes all sessions. You can participate live or view any time through June 20.
* indicates sessions approved for APA CE credit (1) indicates sessions approved for NASW CE credit
Name | Description | Speakers | Content Area |
Wednesday, May 22, 2024, 10:00 AM - 11:15 AM | |||
101 EKG Interpretation Basics* | Having a basic understanding of EKG interpretation can assist the medical staff in identifying life-threatening conditions and help identify patients who require urgent medical care. This talk will instruct participants in the components of a normal EKG so that abnormalities can be more readily identified. Learning Objectives
Level: Basic | Arnold Feltoon, MD, FAAEM, CCHP, Local Jails (Cleveland) | Medical |
102 340B Drug Pricing Program: Navigating Compliance, Maximizing Savings* | Medication costs represent a large portion of many correctional institutions? budgets. The 340B Drug Pricing Program offers a crucial opportunity to access significant savings and reduce program costs. However, identifying these opportunities and navigating the compliance risks under the 340B program can be difficult. This presentation will discuss the 340B program, describe key program opportunities for correctional health care providers, and carefully review best practices for achieving optimal program compliance. Learning Objectives
Level: Intermediate | Mark Ogunsusi, PharmD, JD, Powers Pyles Sutter and Verville, P.C William von Oehsen, JD, Powers Pyles Sutter and Verville, P.C | Legal, Pharmaceuticals |
103 Coping With Occupational Stress*(1) | Correctional stress happens to us physically and emotionally when work exposes us to distressing situations. Even on a good day, it is a serious hazard for staff working in corrections. The pandemic and other national events have unbalanced our lives. Recognizing how these events impact chronic stress exposure will help staff maintain the high judgment necessary to optimally cope. The speaker will explore these risks and share ways to reduce the impact through life-balancing techniques. Learning Objectives
Level: Basic | Dana Neitlich, MSW, Centurion Health | Mental Health, Professional Development |
Wednesday, May 22, 2024, 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM | |||
104 Diagnosis and Treatment of Anemia* | Anemia is commonly encountered in incarcerated patients and can be the result of either benign or malignant conditions. Identifying the underlying etiology is the first step to correcting the problem. A careful review of the complete blood count can assist the health care provider in identifying the etiology and dictate the actions needed to correct the problem. Learning Objectives
Level: Basic | Richard Kosierowski, MD, CCHP, YesCare | Medical |
105 Completing the Picture: Optimizing Your Nurse Protocol Encounter | Nursing assessment protocols are written instructions or guidelines that specify the steps to be taken when evaluating a patient's clinical symptoms. These guidelines are advantageous to both the experienced and the inexperienced nurse professional when used appropriately. Facilitators will discuss how to properly utilize these tools and how to avoid common pitfalls in documentation whether using paper or electronic health records. Learning Objectives
Level: Basic | Mari Knight, RN, DNP, MSN, CCHP-RN, CCHP-A, Centurion Health Sharon McNab, RN, MSN, CCHP-RN, Centurion Health | Nursing, Quality |
106 An In-Depth Review of SAMHSA OTP Certification*(1) | Expanding access to MOUD in carceral settings has become a nationwide initiative. Understanding Center for Substance Abuse Treatment certification of opioid treatment programs and the specific regulations pertaining to such programs can be challenging. During this presentation, SAMHSA will provide an overview of the OTP certification process and the various MOUD models applicable to the carceral setting. Learning Objectives
Level: Basic | Megan Zacher, LCSW-R, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Patti Juliana, PhD, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) | Administration, Substance Use |
Wednesday, May 22, 2024, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM | |||
107 Managing Dietary Restrictions and Food Allergies* | Whether it's for religious, moral, or health reasons, certain foods are off-limits for some people. Knowing about your patient's dietary restrictions is key to successful medical management. This presentation will review the Top 10 most common dietary restrictions and how to better inform facility nutritional services staff concerning meal preparation, review food allergy clinical guidelines, and demonstrate an electronic management system. Learning Objectives
Level: Intermediate | Ben Harvill, BA, LNHA, CCHP, GA Dept of Juvenile Justice Michelle Staples-Horne, MD, MPH, MS, CCHP, GA Dept of Juvenile Justice | Medical, Special Populations |
108 Trauma Tapping in Corrections: It's Weird and It Works*(1) | Mental health issues are at an all-time high throughout the nation. One person commits suicide every 10 minutes, and one person overdoses every 5 minutes. These issues are even more prevalent in the correctional system. This discussion will examine the trauma tapping program being used in the Chesterfield County Jail. Participants will learn to tap and leave with a foundation for understanding mental health through a different lens. Learning Objectives
Level: Basic | Kerri Rhodes, LMFT, LPC, Chesterfield County Jail | Mental Health, Substance Use |
109 Mastering Leadership: Strategies and Tactics for Success* | Correctional health care is a unique and challenging environment that requires strong leaders. Whether you are in a current leadership position or just beginning a correctional health care career, everyone has the potential to lead in a variety of situations. This presentation, led by speakers with over 40 years of leadership experience, will outline common values and techniques of leadership as well as common pitfalls, applying them to real-life correctional health care challenges. Learning Objectives
Level: Intermediate | Tracey Titus, RN, CCHP-RN, CCHP-A, Centurion Health Daniel Sego, ASN, BS, LPN, CCHP, Centurion Health | Administration |
Wednesday, May 22, 2024, 2:15 PM - 3:15 PM | |||
110 Prostate Cancer Update for Corrections* | Prostate cancer is the most common malignancy encountered in corrections. While screening guidelines are well standardized, therapy options have become increasingly more complicated. Active surveillance remains a reasonable therapy option while robotic surgery can be considered the default therapy of choice in terms of cost and long-term complications. Advances in radiation therapy have expanded treatment options and can reduce the number of off-site transports. The role of new therapeutics, including hormonal options and novel radiopharmaceuticals, will be discussed, along with their effect on physicians' treatment decisions and patient outcomes. Learning Objectives
Level: Intermediate | Richard Kosierowski, MD, CCHP, YesCare | Medical |
111 Risks and Costs of Desensitization: How to Prevent It*(1) | Health care workers in the correctional setting can become desensitized to their patient population and begin to view them merely as ?inmates.? This presentation will review the psychological research on desensitization in the correctional setting, Legaland financial risks associated with desensitized medical personnel, and strategies to reduce desensitization in the workplace. Presenters will use Legalcase Learning Objectives
Level: Intermediate | Alexandra Ah Loy, JD, CCHP, Hall Booth Smith, P.C. Anamayan Narendran, JD, Hall Booth Smith, P.C. | Legal, Professional Development |
112 Best Practices for Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder*(1) | Premenstrual dysphoric disorder has been in the diagnostic lexicon since 2013. Since then, we have come to understand the impact of PMDD on women's well-being, treatment options, and the biological origins. Participants will learn about the advances in understanding PMDD, including best practices in assessment and treatment, and how these practices could be adapted to address PMDD within a prison population. Learning Objectives
Level: Basic | Ava Roush, LPC, MS, Psimed Lauren Latham, MA, LPC, PSIMED Corrections | Mental Health, Women's Health |
Thursday, May 23, 2024, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM | |||
113 Implementing the First Step Act: Engaging Patients in Their Diabetes Care* | Untreated diabetes in incarcerated individuals leads to adverse health outcomes and higher rates of recidivism. This presentation focuses on the First Step Act "Managing Your Diabetes" evidence-based recidivism reduction program, which aims to engage patients in their diabetes care, enhance health literacy, and improve diabetes outcomes during their incarceration. The methods can be applied to establish a comprehensive course that equips patients with the skills to effectively manage their diabetes. Learning Objectives
Level: Intermediate | Natalie Li, PharmD, Federal Medical Center Lexington | Medical, Reentry |
114 Transgender and Gender Diverse Individuals Who Sexually Harm*(1) | This workshop will review the literature on the experiences of transgender and gender diverse individuals' interactions with the criminal justice system and present a facilitated discussion of procedures for the care of TGD individuals. The speaker will discuss changes to the newly released Version 8 WPATH standards of care with emphasis on how these guidelines apply to members of this population who sexually harm other people. Learning Objectives
Level: Intermediate | Shan Jumper, PhD, Liberty Healthcare Corporation | Mental Health, Special Populations |
115 Using Peer Engagement Techniques to Reduce Substance Use Postrelease*(1) | Approximately 85% of incarcerated individuals have problematic substance use, and mental illness is twice as common in incarcerated people as the general population. Even if treated during incarceration, there is a tremendous need to support people with substance use and mental health issues after release to reduce recidivism and overdose rates. Successful methods to provide this support can include peer engagement specialists, guidance toward educational and community resources, and family support where appropriate. Learning Objectives
Level: Intermediate | Richard Jones, MA, MBA, Youturn Health | Mental Health, Substance Use |
Thursday, May 23, 2024, 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM | |||
116 Better Breathing Through Proper Inhaler Use* | Many incarcerated individuals suffer from asthma and/or COPD, and with so many inhaler devices and ingredients, inhaler therapy can be complicated ? but it doesn?t need to be! This talk provides a comprehensive overview of the current inhaler landscape, simplified treatment approaches to asthma and/or COPD, a review of inhaler technique, and a discussion on the use of spacers to improve therapy. Learning Objectives
Level: Intermediate | Christopher Bender, PharmD, Diamond Pharmacy Services & Medical Supply | Medical, Pharmaceuticals |
117 Coping With the Lethal Suicide Denier*(1) | The presentation describes cases involving a competent clinical assessment of suicide risk during which the patient assured the clinician that they were not thinking of harming or killing themselves, yet within seven days committed suicide. These unfortunate outcomes appear to now over-influence suicide prevention policies and the costs of suicide prevention. Despite the expense, both emotionally and economically, information and studies regarding lethal suicide deniers are lacking. Learning Objectives
Level: Intermediate | Alan Abrams, MD, JD, Private Practice Nicolas Badre, MD, Consultant | Legal, Suicide Prevention |
118 The Benefits of Wellness Training for Compassion Fatigue and Burnout*(1) | The level of employee burnout is very high and often overlooked for those who work in the "helping" fields such as social work and emergency response. This talk will present the Cook County Juvenile Detention Center's annual staff training program that covers stress, burnout , relaxation techniques, and every aspect of wellness (physical, emotional, social, intellectual, environmental, spiritual, vocational and financial). Learning Objectives
Level: Basic | Sonya Scott, MS, Cook County Juvenile Temporary Detention Center Erie Solomon, MBA, Cook County Juvenile Temporary Detention Center | Professional Development, Staffing/Workforce Issues |
Thursday, May 23, 2024, 12:45 PM - 1:45 PM | |||
119 Curbside Consults: Might Your State Have a Creative Solution?* | The presentation will discuss consultation logistics. Medicare has interprofessional consultation codes that providers can use to bill for their time reviewing a clinical question (in an asynchronous manner without seeing the patient in person). Taking advantage of these codes could provide your site provider with a clinical learning opportunity and a faster consult at a lower cost. Examples of ways to streamline your consultation favorites will be reviewed. Learning Objectives
Level: Intermediate | Philip Eskew, DO, JD, CCHP-CP, YesCare, MO | Legal, Medical |
120 Validation Strategies as a Tool for Managing Conflict*(1) | Validation is one of the best extinguishers we have for conflict and defensiveness, yet many people don't necessarily think of it as a specific strategy. This presentation will highlight the importance of validation within interpersonal interactions and teach the "how to's" of applying it effectively and genuinely. Do's and don'ts of effective validation will be discussed as well as the function and potential benefit of accurate invalidation. Learning Objectives
Level: Basic | Lesley Chapin, PsyD, The Pauquette Center for Psychological Services | Mental Health, Professional Development |
121 Care Standards, Metrics, and Payment Models for Medicaid-Covered OUD Care* | Medications for opioid use disorder have historically not been provided in correctional facilities despite the need among people who are incarcerated. Inadequate funding is often cited for the lack of prison and jail opioid use disorder treatment programs. Until recently, Medicaid was not a funding source for correctional health programs. This presentation highlights recommendations for OUD standards of care, performance measures, and payment models for Medicaid-covered services. Learning Objectives
Level: Intermediate | Alexandra Duncan, DrPH, MPH, Pew Charitable Trusts Ashley DeGarmo, LSW, Third Horizon Strategies John O'Brien, MA, Consultant Daniel Teixeira da Silva, Philadelphia Department of Public Health | Administration, Substance Use |
Thursday, May 23, 2024, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM | |||
122 Optimizing Care for Patients With Prosthetics | This talk will provide practical, corrections-orientated information on how to manage patients with prosthetics. Providers will learn how to medically and functionally evaluate amputee patients to determine if and what type of prosthetic is indicated. Important insight into how to manage new amputees will provide an important framework to allow for prosthetic success. Finally, practical guidelines and advice on how to rehabilitate new amputees will be shared. Learning Objectives
Level: Intermediate | Darin Haugland, PT, Centurion Health | Medical, Professional Development |
123 From Awareness to Action: Women's Experiences With Gender Microaggressions*(1) | Women in corrections remain underrepresented as officers, supervisors, and administrators, while overrepresented in stereotypically female support roles in mental health and nursing. Overt sexism is no longer socially acceptable, yet research indicates women encounter "subtle sexism" in the form of gender microaggressions, especially in male-dominated environments. This presentation will define gender microaggressions experienced by women in corrections, examine its negative impact on the workforce, and provide practical recommendations for inclusivity. Learning Objectives
Level: Basic | Rebecca Rock, PsyD, CCHP-MH, Centurion Health | Professional Development, Staffing/Workforce Issues |
124 Improve Behavior With a 10-Session Anger Management Program*(1) | Presenters will describe how the Corrections Anger Management Program created by correctional staff in the Illinois DOC has reduced disciplinary infractions by 33% and self-reported aggression by 8%. CAMP imbues the CBT approach to behavioral change with difficult and untouched topics such as moral development and forgiveness in correctional settings. Find out if CAMP could work in your facility. Learning Objectives
Level: Intermediate | Jeff Sim, PsyD, Illinois Department of Corrections Melissa Stromberger, PsyD, Illinois Department of Corrections Jennifer Stucka, LCPC, MA, Illinois Department of Corrections | Mental Health, Special Populations |
125 An Online In-Service Module to Enhance Understanding of Moral Distress Dynamics in Prison Nurses* | "Walking a Tightrope: Understanding, Identifying, and Managing Moral Distress in Prison Nurses" is an evidence-based, online educational module that was pilot tested as part of a quality improvement project. Nine RNs working at a medium-security, 1,550 bed prison in the Midwest watched the module and 75% completed both pre-and posttests. Participants provided positive feedback about the knowledge they gained on moral distress in prison health care. Learning Objectives
Level: Intermediate | Lorraine Smith, RN, DNP, MSN, CCHP, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire | Ethics, Nursing |