Date & Time
Monday, July 22, 2024, 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Educational Luncheon: Effect of HIV on Mental Health of Incarcerated Patients

Incarcerated individuals face an HIV prevalence approximately three times significantly higher than the general U.S. population. Depression, affecting 20-40% of those with HIV, complicates treatment and accelerates disease progression. In addition, people living with HIV remain at risk for central nervous system diseases, despite the use of antiretroviral therapy (ART). Overcrowding, widespread injection drug use, and other high-risk behaviors create an environment ripe for intervention. Correctional leaders and care providers have a unique opportunity to alter the trajectory of the HIV epidemic by addressing these issues head-on. The experience of incarceration itself often exacerbates mental health issues and complicates HIV treatment adherence. With 95% of inmates returning to their communities, it's crucial to start HIV and depression screening and treatment in correctional facilities to ensure better health outcomes for individuals and the community.

Educational Objectives

  • Discuss the higher rates of mental health challenges and HIV in incarcerated patients compared to the community
  • Explain how HIV affects mental health in incarcerated patients
  • Describe best practices for treatment of HIV and mental health

Level: Intermediate

Sponsored by an educational grant from Gilead Sciences