Date & Time
Monday, July 22, 2024, 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM
8:45 AM - 9:45 AM
323 Team Synergy: Improving Reintegration Through Collaborative Jail and Community Partnerships

This presentation will address the importance of cross-collaboration to identify the elements necessary for providing alternatives to incarceration, opportunities to decrease recidivism rates, and ways to connect/reconnect justice-involved individuals to services in the community while maintaining public safety. Presenters will share the innovative programs developed and implemented in Maricopa County aimed at reducing interactions with the criminal justice system and increasing warm handoffs for the most vulnerable individuals.

Educational Objectives

  • Describe the collaboration processes used by Maricopa County agencies working on reentry planning
  • Review the benefits of collaborative jail-community partnerships and coordinated release planning
  • Identify and explain innovative programs developed and implemented by Maricopa County Correctional Health Services and sheriff's office

Level: Basic