Full Name
LaToya Duckworth RN, BSN, MHA, CCHP-RN
Job Title
Chief Nursing Officer
Nebraska Department of Correctional Services
Speaker Bio
Ms. LaToya Duckworth is a Nurse Administrator for Kansas University Medical Center which ensures that quality healthcare services are provided to the prison population under the Kansas Department of Corrections jurisdiction. Ms. Duckworth's passion for the multifaceted field of nursing led her to a career that she describes as the most self-fulfilling journey she has ever embarked upon.  In 2017, Ms.  Duckworth began her correctional healthcare career as the Assistant Division Director of Medical Services for the Missouri Department of Corrections.  This, in turn, is where her passion began to advocate not only for the prison population, but also the healthcare professionals that worked in those environments. LaToya serves as a Member at Large on the Board of Directors for the American Correctional Nurses Association as well as on the Board of Representatives for NCCHC as the American Nurses Association Liaison. She plans to use her experience, knowledge and perspective to increase awareness and elicit change in the correctional healthcare field.
LaToya Duckworth