Exhibits and Sponsorships
Join 400+ mental health professionals, all focused on corrections. Put your expertise and solutions in front of this motivated, dedicated group of attendees. They are seeking new ideas and resources to help their patients cope with mental health challenges behind bars and upon release back into the community. In this unique, collegial setting you’ll find customers and leads who are seeking products and services to help them maximize their effectiveness. Sign up for a cost-effective tabletop or unique sponsorship exhibit today.
“I attend the Correctional Mental Health Care Conference every year and appreciate the quality of the speakers and presentations. They keep me informed and current on
leading issues that we face as correctional mental health professionals.”
— Past Attendee
Tabletop exhibitors can also sponsor the Virtual Correctional Mental Health Care Conference, taking place in August 2025. Share your services and solutions with mental health care professionals in California and those who log in from home. Sponsors will receive banners on the virtual event site, sponsorship recognition in the Preliminary and Final Programs, and the registration list. Expand your reach! Only $800
Products and Services These Attendees Buy, Specify or Recommend
- Correctional Mental Health Care Providers
- Educational Materials/Training Resources
- EMR/Health Record Technologies
- Mental Health Care Recruitment and Staffing Services
- Mental Health Care Services
- Opioid Treatment Services
- Patient Well-Being Services/Devices
- Pharmaceuticals
- Pharmacy Services
- Screening and Assessment Services
- Substance Abuse Treatment
- Suicide Prevention
- Telehealth/Telemedicine
Each Tabletop Exhibit Includes
- Skirted table and two chairs
- FREE company listing with 75-word description in the official printed final program, website, and mobile app
- One FREE full conference registration, including up to 15 continuing education credits
- One full conference registration for an additional staff member at 50% off
- Preconference and postconference attendee mailing lists
- Exclusive opportunity to become a sponsor or advertise in preshow and on-site materials
Reinforce Your Message Before and After the Event
- E-newsletter thought leadership and banner advertising
- Web Retargeting
- Program advertising
- Bag inserts
Sunday, July 20 Exhibits: 9 am - 4 pm
Refreshment Breaks:
10:15 am - 10:45 am and 2:15 pm - 2:45 pm
Monday, July 21 Exhibits: 9:30 am - 2:30 pm
Refreshment Breaks:
9:45 am - 10:15 am and 1:45 pm - 2:15 pm
Exhibitor Setup
Please have your exhibit table set-up by 8 am on Sunday.
Breakdown must be complete by 5pm Monday.
Exhibitors are expected to be at their exhibit tables during the exhibit refreshment break times. Times subject to change.