New! Roundtable discussions will take place throughout the conference. Get in on these small group discussions. The roundtable discussions offer 1 hour of CE.
As of September 13, 2022. Subject to change. * indicates the session is approved for APA credit.
Monday, October 24, 2022, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM | ||
RT-01 How to Create a Jail Health Elective for Resident Physicians* | Jennifer Jones-Vanderleest, MD, FAAFP, MPH, CCHP, Public Health - Seattle & King County | Family physicians are ideally suited to provide health care in correctional settings; however, correctional medicine residency training is uncommon. In an elective jail health rotation at King County Correctional Facility, residents learn about health care in an urban county jail and gain insights into the patient experience. They see how jail health care is a link in the care continuum for medically underserved people. The roundtable will provide a framework for how this program could be replicated elsewhere and how correctional health experiential education may improve the quality of health care people receive post release. |
RT-02 Resilience Through Loss, Grief, and Trauma* | LCDR Kimberly Calvery, CADC, LCSW, CCHP Sean Bennett, LSCSW, South Texas Family Residential Center | The COVID-19 pandemic has affected lives all over the world and wreaking havoc on medical, economic, social, political, and psychological infrastructure. Nevertheless, we have withstood the impact of this storm, mourned the loss of life, labored to protect our own health and rebuild our lives. Our psychological and emotional faculties are like muscles and can likewise be strengthened through specific “exercises” and techniques.
RT-03 I Can't Sleep: The Most Common Complaint in Juvenile Facilities* | Lorenzo Gonzalez Feliciano, MD, MBA, DHA, CCHP, Physician Correctional Luis Felipe Ortiz, RN, MPH, CCHP, Centro de Detencion Juvenil de Ponce | A study identified inability to sleep as the most common mental health sick call complaint in juvenile institutions in Puerto Rico over a 12-month period. This discussion will share findings, including potential correlations with any Axis 1 diagnoses. It also will summarize a literature review of pharmacological treatments and examine how the Puerto Rican patients’ pharmacological treatment “preferences” predict effectiveness. |
Tuesday, October 25, 2022, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM | ||
RT- 04 Key Ingredients for Creating a Successful MAT Program* | Nury Marcelo, RN, MSN, CCHP-RN, DuPage County Jail Margaret Kirkegaard, MD, Health Management Associates Alma Mia Martija, MD, CCHP-P, DuPage County Jail Richard VandenHeuvel, MSW, Health Management Associates (HMA) | While there is an abundance of evidence encouraging the effectiveness of Medicated Assisted Treatment or Medicated Assisted Recovery (MAT/MAR), starting such a program can be a huge undertaking especially for a correctional facility that may not have the full support or buy in to initiate such a program. Where do we start? How can we financially pay for this? Using and interactive round table discussion platform, learn the steps firsthand from correctional facilities in Illinois and California on how they began their journey along with the challenges they faced along the way. |
RT- 05 APRN Roundtable: Being On-Call | (Nancy) Sue Smith, RN, MSN, CCHP-RN, Academy of Correctional Health Professionals Renee Greengard, MSN, NP, CCHP, Centurion Health | This roundtable discussion will engage APRNs in a conversation about the legal and clinical responsibilities associated with on-call duty. We will discuss the importance of clear, structured communication during on-call encounters and appropriate documentation of the interaction. Participants will have an opportunity to share their experiences and concerns related to being on-call and discuss strategies that promote good clinical decision-making and improved patient outcomes. |
RT- 06 Prioritizing Incarcerated Populations for COVID-19 Vaccination: How'd We Do?* | Kristin Merss, RN, BSN, University of Wisconsin, Madison - School of Nursing | Before wide availability of COVID-19 vaccines, The National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine developed an equitable framework to guide vaccine allocation. Data shows that despite elevated risk, many incarcerated populations were deprioritized in the allocation of the COVID-19 vaccine. This session will explore strategies to advocate and promote the equitable and timely receipt of future doses in incarcerated populations. |
Tuesday, October 25, 2022, 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM | ||
RT-07 Strengthening Moral Resilience in the Face of Ethical Dilemmas* | Lorraine Smith, RN, DNP, MSN, CCHP, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Stacey Stephens, RN, BSN, MDiv, Wisconsin Veterans Home Mary Muse, RN, MSN, CCHP-RN, CCHP-A, Muse & Associates | How many nurses are told to take a "hands off" approach to care? This is contrary to nursing education and illustrates one example of an ethical dilemma correctional nurses face daily. This roundtable will focus on evidence-based actions that nursing and correctional administrators can use to address ethical issues to increase moral resilience in staff. Using ethical principles and evidence-based practices, the audience will learn practical, interdisciplinary approaches to promote moral resilience. |
RT-08 Looking at Litigation with an Attorney and a Medical Director* | Ed McNeil, MPA, CCHP, Genesys Health Alliance Peter Wrobel, MD, CCHP, Genesys Health Alliance Beth Boone, JD, MBA, Hall Booth Smith, P.C. | This discussion will provide counsel and physician perspectives in best practices to defend lawsuits. We will cover charting and documentation issues, witness and testimony concerns, as well as case valuation from two different perspectives. Attendees will see how claims and lawsuits are viewed from the different perspectives and how claims can be resolved. |
RT-09 Implementing a Jail-Based Competency Restoration Program* | Krystin Holmes, PhD, LMFT, LPC, NCC, The Harris Center for Mental Health and IDD Kimberly Warneke, MD, Harris County Sheriff's Office | As state hospital waitlists continue to grow, there is a crisis of overpopulation of mental health patients confined in the jail system with nowhere to go. For patients deemed incompetent to stand trial, their case is at a standstill until they can be restored to competency. The introduction of a jail-based competency restoration program has been a viable solution in the Harris County Jail, one of the largest detention facilities in the state. This presentation will focus on the development and implementation of Harris County's JBCR and discuss the factors contributing to its over 90% success rate. |
Wednesday, October 26, 2022, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM | ||
RT-10 Buprenorphine Dosing Strategies in the Age of Fentanyl* | Brian Dawson, MD, Ideal Option Andrea Munder, ARNP, MSN, Ideal Option | Withdrawal from fentanyl has been characterized as more rapid and severe than from other opioids, leading to a higher risk of precipitated withdrawal during buprenorphine initiation. Grounded in the harm-reduction model, microdosing initiation protocols were developed to improve treatment retention and stabilization of patients due to frequent complications arising during conventional initiation protocols. This discussion will review the microdosing initiation protocol along with patient considerations and special populations. |
RT- 11 Learn about Project ECHO for Democratizing Health Care Expertise | David Jablonski, BA, University of New Mexico Health Sciences | The mission at ECHO (Extension for Health Outcomes) is to democratize knowledge and get best practice care to the underserved, including the incarcerated. Corrections administrators are challenged with limited health care resources, high rates of infectious diseases including hepatitis C, and the epidemic of opioid addiction. ECHO is an ideal model to improve health care and provide education for medical staff and the incarcerated. The model allows for rapid learning and best-practice dissemination. |
RT-12 Using Virtual MAT In a Jail-to-Community Transition Program* | Rita Torres, CCHP, Health Care Partners Foundation Sivan Wilson, Health Care Partners Foundation | This session will discuss a virtual Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) program that is used in the several jailsand is integral for jail-to-community transition programs. Attendees will learn how the program was developed inclusive of sample assessment and treatment tools, MAT determination processes for long-acting injectables, tracking and reporting systems, on-site MAT injectable/oral medication procedures, on-site medical staff training, discharge tools for tracking, referral and jail-to-community processes and referral systems for continuity of care and medication consistency. |
RT- 13 Blending Trauma-Informed Practices into the Correctional Officer's Role* | Rhonda Champagne, LICSW, Correcting Treatment in Corrections Michael Johnson, (Ret. Lt.), NONE/UNKNOWN | Presenters will discuss how they implemented a trauma-informed treatment program for incarcerated individuals that had the state’s best success rates. This program was highlighted in the Fall 2022 issue of CorrectCare. |