Sessions of Interest to Mental Health Providers

Saturday, April 29, 2023
P01 An In-Depth Review of NCCHC's Standards for Health Services in Jails and Prisons*
P03 An In-Depth Review of NCCHC’s Standards for Mental Health Services*
Sunday, April 30, 2023
P04 Understanding Psychopathy: From Clinical Lore to Evidence-Based Outcomes*
Monday, May 1, 2023
103 The Power of Dialectical Behavior Therapy in Jails and Prisons*
104 Medication-Related Laws: From Due Process to Informed Consent*
106 Building Resiliency to Cope With Occupational Stress*
RT01 The Lived Experience of APRNs in Correctional Settings
RT03 Enhance Your Professional Journey with CCHP, Advanced and Specialty Certifications*
109 Deliberate Self-Harm in Corrections*
115 Nursing Management of Psychiatric Emergencies*
117 The Buck Stops Here: Supervisory Liability for Medical Mistakes*
RT06 Use of CBT to Treat Domestic Violence Perpetrators*
RT08 Breathing, Meditation, and Stress Management Programming for Patients and Staff*
120 Medical Management of Incarcerated Hunger Strikers*
122 Risk-Need-Responsivity: Improving Behavioral Health Outcomes*
124 How Everyday Interactions Can Shape an Adolescent’s Future*
RT 09 Making the Case for a Postgraduate NP Residency Training Programs in Corrections
RT11 Developing a Harm Reduction Mindset*
RT12 Ventura County's Therapeutic Inmate Management Unit: A Successful Model*
Tuesday, May 2, 2023
Plenary Session: HIV-Associated Comorbidities, Coinfections, and Complications*
129 Principles and Practice of Correctional Geriatric Psychiatry*
133 Mindfulness-Oriented Recovery Enhancement: A New Intervention for Addiction and Pain*
134 Pharmacotherapy Principles and Practices to Prevent Overprescribing*
136 Help Yourself: Reducing Compassion Fatigue, Vicarious Trauma, and Burnout*
140 End-of-Life Care in Jails: A Panel Discussion*
143 Reducing Problem Behavior Through Behavior Management Plans: An Evidence-Based Approach*
148 Burnout, Compassion Fatigue, and Suicide Among Nurses
149 Tackling Systemic Racism in Correctional Health Care: An Open Forum*
151 Jail-Based Competency Restoration: Keys to Clinical Success*
RT19 Mental Health Stabilization Through Collaboration in a Specialized Treatment Unit*

Programs on Saturday and Sunday require separate registration. 

* Approved by the APA for CE credit for psychologists