Name Speakers More Info
Monday, May 1, 2023, 10:15 AM - 11:30 AM
101 It Hurts When I Do This: Diagnosing and Managing Overuse Syndromes*Rebecca A Ballard MD, FACCP, CCHP-CP Centurion Health
102 Sepsis: A Matter of Life and DeathCheryl M Esposito RN, MSN, CCHP-RN MEDIKO, Inc.
Sue Medley-Lane RN, CCHP-A Centurion Health
Diana L Ohaus RN, BSN, CCHP-RN Centurion Health
103 The Power of Dialectical Behavior Therapy in Jails and Prisons*Taylor Farris LCSW, MSW, C-DBT Lafayette Parish Sheriff's Office
104 Medication-Related Laws: From Due Process to Informed Consent*Deana Johnson JD Centurion Inc.
105 340B Drug Pricing Program: Navigating Compliance, Maximizing Savings*Mark Ogunsusi PharmD, JD Powers Pyles Sutter and Verville, P.C
William von Oehsen JD Powers Pyles Sutter and Verville, P.C
106 Building Resiliency to Cope With Occupational Stress*Dana Neitlich MSW Centurion Health
Monday, May 1, 2023, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
107 Classifying Your Diabetes Patient: Beyond Type 1 and 2Garth G Gulick MD, CCHP-CP Gulick Corrections Consulting, LLC
108 Nursing Documentation Without TearsDawn R Tice RN, ADN, CCHP-RN Centurion Health
Tracey Titus RN, CCHP-RN, CCHP-A Centurion Health
109 Deliberate Self-Harm in Corrections*Julie Furtado LCSW Wellpath
Jessica Raak PhD, LPC, MA, CCHP-MH Wellpath
Nicole Taylor PhD, JD, CCHP-MH Wellpath
110 Defending Correctional Health Care Claims*Beth Boone JD, MBA Hall Booth Smith, P.C.
111 Using Clinical Markers and Support Tools to Understand and Treat Hepatitis BWilliam Boylan FNP, RN-C, CCHP Wellpath
112 Access to MOUD: Navigating Challenges, Overcoming Barriers*Andrew Schreier LPC, CCHP Community Medical Services
Lesley Wimmer Community Medical Services
113 Registered Dietitians: The Missing Link in Health Care*Jennifer Jackson RDN, EdD, LD Keystone Nutrition
Barbara Wakeen RDN, MA, LD, CCHP Correctional Nutrition Consultants, Ltd
Monday, May 1, 2023, 2:15 PM - 3:45 PM
114 Managing Psychiatric Medications for Adolescents*Elizabeth Lowenhaupt MD, FAAP, CCHP Brown University ? Warren Alpert School of Medicine
Naomie Shembo BA The Warren Alpert Medical School at Brown University
115 Nursing Management of Psychiatric Emergencies*Brenda Fields RN, RHIA, PMH-BC, CCHP Centurion Health
116 Rethinking Suicide Risk, Prevention, and Intervention*Joel Andrade PhD, LICSW, MSW, CCHP-MH Falcon Correctional and Community Services
Robin Timme PsyD, ABPP (Forensic), CCHP-MH, CCHP-A Falcon Correctional and Community Services
117 The Buck Stops Here: Supervisory Liability for Medical Mistakes*Deana Johnson JD Centurion Inc.
118 Injectable Buprenorphine: Barriers and Benefits*Donald C Kern MD, MPH, CCHP Quality Correctional Health Care (QCHC)
Bethany Faulkner MSW, CSW Kenton County Detention Center
Paul Dierig BA Kenton County Detention Center
119 Fighting Antibiotic Resistance: A Statewide Multimethod Research StudyEmily Grussing BS Tufts Medical Center
Alysse Wurcel MD, MS Tufts University School of Medicine
Rebecca Tenner Tufts Medical Center
Monday, May 1, 2023, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
120 Medical Management of Incarcerated Hunger Strikers*Sergio Alvarado MD El Paso Service Processing Center
Michelle Iglesias MD El Paso Service Processing Center
121 Diabetes: Education to Empower the PatientSarah Biskup RN, BSN Doylestown Hospital
Alexis Koenig EdD, MSN, CCHP Herzing University
122 Risk-Need-Responsivity: Improving Behavioral Health Outcomes*David Dawdy MA Michigan Department of Corrections
Corey Spickler MS, LLP Michigan Department of Corrections
123 Correctional Medical Litigation and Best Practices for Defense*Allison J. Becker JD Gordon Rees Scully Mansukhani
Kendra Stark JD Gordon Rees Scully Mansukhani
124 How Everyday Interactions Can Shape an Adolescent’s Future*Jennifer Clifton DNP, FNP-BC, CCHP-CP, CCHP-A University of Utah
126 The Jail Is on Fire: Emergency Preparedness Using NCCHC Standards*Jim Martin BS, MPSA, CCHP Physician Correctional, USA
Tracey Titus RN, CCHP-RN, CCHP-A Centurion Health
Tuesday, May 2, 2023, 8:15 AM - 9:15 AM
127 EKG Interpretation BasicsArnold Feltoon MD, FAAEM, CCHP Local Jails (Cleveland)
128 Evidence-Based Best Practices to Recruit and Retain Correctional NursesAnnette Maruca PhD, CCHP University of Connecticut
Ramesh Upadhyaya MBA, RN-C, CCHP North Carolina Department of Public Safety
129 Principles and Practice of Correctional Geriatric Psychiatry*Francis Ysla MD Liberty Healthcare Corporation
Khalid Sharif MD King Fahad Armed Forces Hospital
130 Reduce Overprescribing Through an Antibiotic Stewardship ProgramSusan Conley APRN, MSN, RN-C, CCHP Delaware Department of Correction
Aliaksandr Piatrou MS Delaware Department of Corrections
Aylin Unal PharmD Correct Rx Pharmacy Services & Delaware Department of Corrections
131 Effects of Isolation and Solitary Confinement on Incarcerated Teenagers*Mary Foster Cox PhD, APRN University of South Carolina
132 What's New in Anticoagulation?Paige Dodson MD, FAAFP, MPH Centurion Health
Vincent Grattan RPh Centurion Health
133 Mindfulness-Oriented Recovery Enhancement: A New Intervention for Addiction and Pain*Eric Garland PhD, LCSW University of Utah
Spencer Dorn MD University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Tuesday, May 2, 2023, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
134 Pharmacotherapy Principles and Practices to Prevent Overprescribing*Carl Keldie MD, CCHP Wellpath
135 Improving Hypertension Through Education and Lifestyle ModificationPatricia Blair PhD, JD, CCHP-RN, CCHP-A University of Texas Medical Branch Correctional Managed Care
136 Help Yourself: Reducing Compassion Fatigue, Vicarious Trauma, and Burnout*Amanda Richards LMHC Wellpath
137 Class GAP Analysis: A Proactive Approach to Preventing Litigation*Benjamin Rice JD Falcon Correctional and Community Services
Samantha Wolff JD Hanson Bridgett LLP
138 Keeping Your Health Care System Out of the Ditches and on the Right Path*Jim Martin BS, MPSA, CCHP Physician Correctional, USA
139 What's Next: Future Infection Prevention and Control ChallengesSue Medley-Lane RN, CCHP-A Centurion Health
140 End-of-Life Care in Jails: A Panel Discussion*Melissa Caffes RN, BSN, MSN, PHN Hennepin County Sheriff's Department
Rachel Silva MD, MPH Hennepin Healthcare HCMC
Tuesday, May 2, 2023, 1:15 PM - 2:30 PM
141 Improve Outcomes With a Comprehensive Wound Care and Limb Salvage ProgramMichael Berger MD YesCare - Maryland DOC
142 Promoting Correctional Nursing Through Student Learning ExperiencesPatricia Blair PhD, JD, CCHP-RN, CCHP-A University of Texas Medical Branch Correctional Managed Care
Mary Muse RN, MSN, CCHP-RN, CCHP-A Muse & Associates
143 Reducing Problem Behavior Through Behavior Management Plans: An Evidence-Based Approach*Heather Hainstock PsyD Centurion Health
Seaaira Reedy PsyD, CCHP-MH Centurion Health
Setareh Khan PsyD, CCHP Centurion Health
Kathryn Cook PsyD, CCHP Centurion Health
144 Hepatitis C Screening and Treatment: Litigation-Informed Best Practices*Matthew Akiyama MD Montefiore Health System
Tessa Bialek JD Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse
145 Overview, Treatment, and Risk Assessment for Youth Who Engage in Sexually Abusive Behaviors*Timothy Owens LMHC, MA Rhode Island Hospital
Katie Cummings LMHC, MA Brown University Health
146 Applying AI and Machine Learning in Correctional Medicine*Johnny Bates MD, CCHP-CP Quality Correctional Health Care (QCHC)
Donald Schrupp BS, LPN, CCHP Quality Correctional Health Care (QCHC)
Tuesday, May 2, 2023, 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM
147 Medical Cost Reduction: A Collaborative Effort in Georgia*Ben Harvill BA, LNHA, CCHP GA Dept of Juvenile Justice
Michelle Staples-Horne MD, MPH, MS, CCHP GA Dept of Juvenile Justice
148 Burnout, Compassion Fatigue, and Suicide Among NursesBrenda Fields RN, RHIA, PMH-BC, CCHP Centurion Health
149 Tackling Systemic Racism in Correctional Health Care: An Open Forum*Joel Andrade PhD, LICSW, MSW, CCHP-MH Falcon Correctional and Community Services
Mary Muse RN, MSN, CCHP-RN, CCHP-A Muse & Associates
150 Preventing Tuberculosis Outbreaks in CorrectionsRebekah Stewart NP CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
151 Jail-Based Competency Restoration: Keys to Clinical Success*Krystin Holmes PhD, LPC-S, NCC, LMFT-S The Harris Center for Mental Health and IDD
Kimberly Warneke MD The Harris Center for Mental Health and IDD
152 Delivering Quality Health Care Through a Robust CQI Process*Todd Kramer MS, CCHP-A Delaware Department of Corrections
Aliaksandr Piatrou MS Delaware Department of Corrections
Tuesday, May 2, 2023, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
153 Clinical Pearls: Staying Relevant With Current Practices*Gregory Ladele DO YesCare
Patricia Schmidt DO, SMD, RMD YesCare
154 Advancing the Specialty: The Benefit of a Nursing FrameworkMary Muse RN, MSN, CCHP-RN, CCHP-A Muse & Associates
155 Developing a Comprehensive Response to the Opioid Crisis Through Corrections-Based MAT*Jennifer Padre MSW LICSW Essex County Sheriff's Department Correctional Facility
Brooke Pessinis LMHC, LADAC Essex County Sheriff's Department Correctional Facility
156 CANCELLED Justice-Involved Patients and the Social Drivers of Health* 
157 Role of the Clinical Pharmacist in Transgender Care*Kristina Melia PharmD, CCHP ICE Health Service Corps
Christina Andrade PharmD, BS ICE Health Service Corps
158 Transforming Jail-Based Prenatal Care*Laurel Domanski Diaz BA, MN Cuyahoga County Corrections Center
Meaghan Combs MD, MPH The MetroHealth System
LaTanisha White Birthing Beautiful Communities

*Approved for APA and NASW Credit

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