Kym Ahrens MD, MPH
Washington State Department of Children, Youth and Families
Hanin Almodaweb
University of Southern California
Amber Alonzo
New York State Department of Health
Hon. Judy Amabile
Colorado General Assembly
Crosby Amoah PharmD, RN, CCHP
Correct Rx Pharmacy Services, Inc.
Stephen Amos MA
US Department of Justice
Amy Anapolsky LCSW, MSW
Clark County Detention Center
Joel Andrade PhD, LICSW, MSW, CCHP-MH
Falcon Correctional and Community Services
Cybele Angel PhD, RN
University of Alberta
Jessica Arabski DO
Clark County Detention Center
Deborah Ash RN, MBA, MSN, CCHP-RN
Correctional Medical-Legal Consulting
Mandeep Bagga MD
Precision Psychiatric Services, Inc
Theresa Barwell
Wisconsin Resource Center
Jeff Baxter MD
Spectrum Health System
Annabelle Belcher PhD
University of Maryland
Linda Benskin PhD, RN-C
Ferris Mfg. Corp
Peter Bertling JD
Bertling Law Group
Doug Bitner JD
Katz Korin Cunningham
Patricia Blair PhD, JD, CCHP-RN, CCHP-A
University of Texas Medical Branch Correctional Managed Care
Lisa Boesky PhD
Jail Suicide Expert Services
Ashley Bone MD
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Beth Boone JD, MBA
Hall Booth Smith, P.C.
Laurina Boryca RN, MBA
Wexford Health Sources, Inc.
Chris A Bourque LPN, CCHP
Centurion Health
Angelia Brennan RN
Virginia Department of Corrections
Taylor Brewer JD
Moran Reeves Conn
Julia Bruner MD, MBA, MS
The MetroHealth System
Victoria Bryant RN, BSN
Delaware Department of Corrections
Nathaniel Burt PhD
Washington Department of Corrections
Jo Burton NP,RN, MN, MIngH
The University of Sydney
Melissa Caminiti RN, MPH
Groups Recover Together
Orville Campbell MD, MBA
C. David Solomon Consultants, LLC
Walter Campbell PhD, CCHP-MH
Idaho Dept of Correction
Anthony Cantillo
Maine Department of Corrections
Dustin Cantrell PhD
WestCare Foundation
Antonio Castillo MD
Family Practice Physician
Melinda Cerda LVN, CCHP
San Bernardino County Probation
Lesley Chapin PsyD
The Pauquette Center for Psychological Services
Katie Chiou BA
Brown University ? Warren Alpert School of Medicine
Kathryn Cook PsyD, CCHP
Centurion Health
Sheila Corroo CSW
Wisconsin Department of Corrections
Asimina Courelli MD
University of California
Panayiota Courelli PhD
California Correctional Health Care Services
Judith Cox MA, CCHP
JFC vonsultatipn
David Crutchfield MD
Maricopa County Correctional Health Services
Katie Cummings LMHC, MA
Brown University Health
Lisa Dagnello LMHC, LADC1
Spectrum Health System
Angel Dalverny RN, BSN
Allegany County Sheriffs Department
Christina Delimont LPN
Centurion Health
Paige Dodson MD, FAAFP, MPH
Centurion Health
J. Thaddeus Eckenrode JD
Eckenrode-Maupin, Attorneys at Law
Scott Eliason MD, CCHP-MH
Centurion Health
Richard Forbus MBA, CCHP
National Commission on Correctional Health Care
Linda Frazier RN, BS, MA
Advocates for Human Potential, Inc.
Melissa Frisbie MPH
New York State Department of Health
Nathan Furukawa MD, MPH
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Karen Galin PhD
Stephanie Gangemi PhD, LCSW, CCHP
University of Colorado
Monetha Gaskin MPH, CCHP
South Carolina Department of Public Health
McKenna Gessner BA
Baylor College of Medicine
Ben Goldman MA
Louisville Metro DOC Jail Complex and Corrections Center
Wendy Habert MBA, CCHP
National Commission on Correctional Health Care
Brandon Halleck BS
Indiana Department of Health
Aynsley Harrow Mull JD
Centurion Health
Dionne Hart MD, CCHP-MH
Care From the Heart
AJ Harzke DrPH, MDiv, MPH
University of Texas Medical Branch Correctional Managed Care
Melisa Holdway LMHC
Washington Department of Corrections
Laketta Hubert BS
Centurion Health
Mary Huffman JD
Ohio Second District Court of Appeals
Liz Ikiki PharmD, BSN
Correct Rx Pharmacy Services, Inc.
Natali Injijian LVN, CCHP
San Bernardino County Probation Department
Elizabeth Jacobs DNP, APRN, FNP-C
University of Utah College of Nursing
Duke Johnson BA
WestCare Illinois
Shannon Johnson PhD, MSW, MPP
University of Colorado - Colorado Springs
Adi Katz MD
Newton E Kendig MD
The George Washington University
Daron Kirven BS
Prism Health North Texas
Whitney Kraemer LMHC, CCHP
ForHealth Consulting at UMass Chan Medical School
Hannah Kralles
George Washington University School of Medicine
Asaf Krudo LPN, CCHP
Centurion Health
Susan Laffan RN, CCHP-RN, CCHP-A
Correctional Health Care Consultant
April Lee LPN
Centurion Health
Mariya Leyderman PsyD, MA
Louisville Metro Department of Corrections Main Jail (formerly Louisville DOC Jail Complex and Corrections Center)
Wells Littlefield BS, JD
Hall Booth Smith, P.C.
Elizabeth Lowenhaupt MD, FAAP, CCHP
Brown University ? Warren Alpert School of Medicine
Doug Major OD, CCHP
San Luis Obispo County Jail
Kristin Malcolm, Esq. JD
Centurion Health