Conference registration entitles you to attend all the sessions below. Get up to date information across all aspects of the correctional health care.  * indicates approved for APA credit.

Name Speakers Content Area More Info
Monday, October 21, 2024, 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
Opening Ceremony & Keynote AddressSharen Barboza, PhD, CCHP-MH, Barboza Consulting, LLCAdministration, Mental Health, Professional Development, Staffing/Workforce Issues,
Monday, October 21, 2024, 10:30 AM - 11:45 AM
401 The Promise and Problems of Immunotherapy for Cancer*Richard Kosierowski, MD, CCHP, YesCareMedical, Nursing
402 The Intersection of Ethics and Correctional NursingMary Muse, RN, MSN, CCHP-RN, CCHP-A, Muse & AssociatesEthics, Nursing
403 Treatment Strategies to Reduce Chronic Self-Injury in Emotionally Dysregulated Individuals*Joel Andrade, PhD, LICSW, MSW, CCHP-MH, Falcon Correctional and Community Services
Steven Helfand, PsyD, CCHP, Falcon Correctional and Community Services
Mental Health, Suicide Prevention
404 Navigating Legal Challenges in Corrections: Key Risks and Considerations*Deana Johnson, JD, Centurion Inc.Legal, Special Populations
405 How to Successfully Pass a DEA Audit for Your OTP Program*Crosby Amoah, PharmD, RN, CCHP, Correct Rx Pharmacy Services, Inc.
Todd Kramer, MS, CCHP-A, Delaware Department of Corrections
Rachel Legg, PharmD, Correct Rx Pharmacy Services, Inc.
Pharmaceuticals, Standards and Accreditation, Substance Use
406 CANCELED Innovative Approaches to Medicaid Access and Continuity of Care for Youths* Administration, Juvenile, Legal, Reentry
407 Pioneering CME 1115 Medicaid Waivers and the Impact on Reentry*Stephanie Landgraf, CJM, San Luis Obispo County Jail
Seth Stabinsky, MD, CCHP-CP, CCHP-A, San Luis Obispo County Jail
Jessica Landreth, San Luis Obispo County Jail
Administration, Legal, Reentry, Staffing/Workforce Issues
Monday, October 21, 2024, 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
408 Clinical and Legal Considerations for Managing Withdrawal*Taylor Brewer, JD, Moran Reeves Conn
Kaveh Ofogh, MD, MEDIKO, Inc.
Administration, Legal, Medical, Substance Use
409 Turning Sick Call and Chronic Care Upside DownMarc Stern, MD, MPH, University of Washington Medical SchoolAdministration, Medical, Nursing
410 Supporting Behavior Change and Overcoming Resistance*Sharen Barboza, PhD, CCHP-MH, Barboza Consulting, LLCMental Health, Special Populations
411 Outside the Walls: Best Practices in Juvenile Reentry*Elizabeth Lowenhaupt, MD, FAAP, CCHP, Brown University ? Warren Alpert School of Medicine
Michelle Staples-Horne, MD, MPH, MS, CCHP, GA Dept of Juvenile Justice
Ayodele Ogunlela, MBBS, University of Las Vegas Nevada
Evyn Keating, BA, Brown University ? Warren Alpert School of Medicine
Juvenile, Reentry
412 Concerns and Strategies for Justice-Involved Women*Melody Anderson, LMHC, Utah Department of CorrectionsSpecial Populations, Women's Health
413 Addressing Diversion of Medications for Opioid Use Disorder*Hillary Tamar, MD, Community Medical Services
Lisa Yanny, RN, ADN, CARN, PMH-BC, CCHP, Community Medical Services
Medical, Mental Health, Nursing, Pharmaceuticals, Substance Use
414 Caring for Transgender and Gender Diverse Patients*Newton Kendig, MD, The George Washington University
Tina Waldron, MA, The Moss Group, Inc.
Mental Health, Special Populations
Monday, October 21, 2024, 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM
415 Clinical Insights for Mastering Special Diet Orders*Philip Eskew, DO, JD, MBA, CCHP-CP, YesCareMedical, Nutrition
416 Better Medication Documentation, Better OutcomesSusan Laffan, RN, CCHP-RN, CCHP-A, Correctional Health Care ConsultantAdministration, Nursing, Pharmaceuticals
417 Lessons Learned: A Decade of Experience With an Intensive Mental Health Unit*Anthony Cantillo, Maine Department of Corrections
Mateo Mendoza, Maine State Prison
Brooke Sheehan, LCSW, Wellpath
Administration, Mental Health, Special Populations
418 Build a Strong Defense With Effective Charting and Smart Depositions*J. Thaddeus Eckenrode, JD, Eckenrode-Maupin, Attorneys at LawLegal, Nursing
419 In-Custody Deaths: Managing the Aftermath*Amy Anapolsky, LCSW, MSW, Clark County Detention Center
Jessica Arabski, DO, Clark County Detention Center
Capt. Jon Clark, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department
Administration, Mental Health, Staffing/Workforce Issues,
420 "13th": Film Screening and Discussion of the "Slavery Loophole" Part 1*Dionne Hart, MD, CCHP-MH, Care From the HeartEthics, Professional Development, Staffing/Workforce Issues
421 Success: A Positive Relationship Between MAT and Recidivism*Todd Wilcox, MD, FACCP, MBA, CCHP-CP, CCHP-A, Salt Lake County Metro Jail
Mark Libowitz, BS, University of Utah
Justin Zaslavsky, BA, The George Washington University
Administration, Substance Use
Monday, October 21, 2024, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
422 Verbal Jiu-Jitsu: How to Avoid Confrontation and Maintain Good Patient Relationships*Jeffrey Keller, MD, CCHP-CP, American College of Correctional PhysiciansMedical, Mental Health, Nursing, Staffing/Workforce Issues
423 Keeping Your Nursing Practice on the Right Side of the LawPatricia Blair, PhD, JD, CCHP-RN, CCHP-A, University of Texas Medical Branch Correctional Managed Care
Mary Muse, RN, MSN, CCHP-RN, CCHP-A, Muse & Associates
Legal, Nursing
427 Nutritional Needs of Incarcerated Youth*Barbara Wakeen, RDN, MA, LD, CCHP, Correctional Nutrition Consultants, LtdJuvenile, Nutrition
428 Quality Improvement's Model Measures*Wilson Uy, RN, BSN, MHS, HCM, CCHP, Los Angeles County Department of Health ServicesQuality
Tuesday, October 22, 2024, 8:15 AM - 9:15 AM
429 Gabapentinoids: Overview, Safety, and Risks*Elana Sullivan, MD, NONE/UNKNOWNMedical, Pharmaceuticals, Substance Use
430 Promoting Correctional Nursing through Student Learning Experiences Patricia Blair, PhD, JD, CCHP-RN, CCHP-A, University of Texas Medical Branch Correctional Managed CareNursing, Professional Development
431 Assessment of Violence: Safer Management Using a Team Approach*Joel Federbush, MD, Wellpath
Allison Genberg, LCSW, CCHP, Passaic County Jail
Mental Health
432 The Evolving Test for Deliberate Indifference in Correctional Health Care*Taylor Brewer, JD, Moran Reeves ConnLegal
433 Reducing Suicide Risk by Enhancing Resilience*Sharen Barboza, PhD, CCHP-MH, Barboza Consulting, LLCMental Health, Suicide Prevention
434 Get Organized! Using NCCHC Standards*Tracey Titus, RN, CCHP-RN, CCHP-A, Centurion HealthAdministration, Quality, Standards and Accreditation
436 CCHP Certification: Navigating Your Path to Success*Matissa Sammons, MA, CCHP, National Commission on Correctional Health Care
Kelly Zielinski, National Commission on Correctional Health Care
Professional Development, Quality
Tuesday, October 22, 2024, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
437 Management of the Patient With Hemophilia*Richard Kosierowski, MD, CCHP, YesCareMedical, Nursing, Special Populations
438 Leadership Challenges: Surviving and ThrivingMary Muse, RN, MSN, CCHP-RN, CCHP-A, Muse & AssociatesAdministration, Nursing, Professional Development
439 Evaluating Mental Health Medication and Addressing Refusals*Dauda Griffin, MD, CCHP, Texas Tech University Health Sciences CenterEthics, Mental Health
440 Coping With the Lethal Suicide Denier*Alan Abrams, MD, JD, Private PracticeLegal, Mental Health, Suicide Prevention
441 Virtual Ambulatory Care Pharmacy and Putting a Lid on the Pressures of Chronic Care*Todd Wilcox, MD, FACCP, MBA, CCHP-CP, CCHP-A, Salt Lake County Metro Jail
Henry So, PharmD, BS, Diamond Pharmacy Services & Medical Supply
Administration, Medical
442 Nutritional Characteristics of State Prison Menus*Laura Bain, PhD, RDN, MBA, U.S. Senate
Kevin Sauer, PhD, RDN, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
Administration, Medical, Nutrition
443 CANCELED Do I Have to Go to the Dentist? Preventive Oral Health Oral Health
444 Rebuilding Your Continuous Quality Improvement Program*Charlene Martin, RN, DNP, MBA, CCHP, Centurion Health
Kimberly Robinson, RN, Centurion Health
Lynette Chin, LVN, MBA, Centurion Health
Tuesday, October 22, 2024, 12:00 PM - 1:15 PM
Product Theater Luncheon: Bridging the Gap: Connecting Communities to Provide Opioid Use Disorder Treatment for Justice-Involved IndividualsDivya Venkat, MD, AHN RIvER Clinic
Thomas Robertson, MD, AHN RIvER Clinic
Tori Pipak, PA-C, AHN at Allegheny County Jail
Medical, Pharmaceuticals, Reentry, Substance Use
Tuesday, October 22, 2024, 1:30 PM - 1:55 PM
445a Enhancing Substance Use Disorder Treatment in a Men's Prison*Todd Boese, RN, Montana Department of Corrections
Brian Dawson, MD, Ideal Option
Brooke Hewitt, FNP-C, Ideal Option
Administration, Medical, Mental Health, Substance Use
Tuesday, October 22, 2024, 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
446 Comprehensive Neurological and Stroke Assessment for NursesSusan Laffan, RN, CCHP-RN, CCHP-A, Correctional Health Care ConsultantNursing
447 Become Unstuck: Effective Alliance-Building With Challenging Patients*Sharen Barboza, PhD, CCHP-MH, Barboza Consulting, LLCMental Health, Professional Development, Special Populations
448 340B Compliance Basics and Opportunities*William von Oehsen, JD, Powers Pyles Sutter and Verville, P.CAdministration, Legal, Pharmaceuticals
449 What Did I Say? Language and Lessons on Cultural Humility*LaToya Duckworth, RN, BSN, MHA, CCHP-RN, Nebraska Department of Correctional Services
Glenda Newell-Harris, MD, St. Louis City Justice Center
Gregory Ladele, DO, MBA, YesCare, MO
Latasha McMillan, RN, MSHA, MSN, CCHP, YesCare
Professional Development, Staffing/Workforce Issues,
450 Mock Trial: Unpacking the Hidden Power of Bad Data*Deana Johnson, JD, Centurion Inc.
Rebecca Ballard, MD, FACCP, CCHP-CP, Centurion Health
David Johnson, JD
Seaaira Reedy, PsyD, CCHP-MH, Centurion Health
Legal, Professional Development, Staffing/Workforce Issues
451 Maintaining Compliance with the Most Commonly Cited NCCHC Health Services Standards*Wendy Habert, MBA, CCHP, National Commission on Correctional Health CareAdministration, Quality, Standards and Accreditation
Tuesday, October 22, 2024, 2:00 PM - 2:25 PM
445b Oral Versus Injectable Medication-Assisted Therapy*Matthew Sexter, MD, LA Department of Health Services - Correctional Health ServicesSubstance Use
Tuesday, October 22, 2024, 2:30 PM - 3:00 PM
445c Outcomes Associated with MOUD: A Systematic Literature Review*Courtney Flynn, MPH, Indivior
Meghan Thompson, PhD, PharmD, Indivior Medical Affairs
Claire Wolfe, MA, MPH, CCHP, NCCHC Resources, Inc.
Substance Use
Tuesday, October 22, 2024, 3:15 PM - 3:45 PM
453a Leadership in Medicine: An Opportunity to Grow*Murray Young, MD, Centurion HealthMedical, Professional Development,
454a How to Build Correctional Health RFPs to Reduce Lawsuits and Improve Outcomes*Marc Stern, MD, MPH, University of Washington Medical SchoolAdministration, Quality
455a Treating Complex PTSD: A Psychiatric Perspective*Bhinna Park, Chief of Psychiatry, Washington State Department of CorrectionsMental Health, Suicide Prevention
456a CDC Recommendations to Combat Rising Tuberculosis Incidence*Lauren Lambert, MPH, CDC Centers for Disease Control and PreventionInfectious Disease
457a Peer Education to Reduce Health Disparities*Lorenzo Bell, Step-Up, Inc.
Jessica Beyer, Step-Up Inc
Deborah Nichols, MPH, MS, Indiana Department of Health
Administration, Reentry
458a Human-Centered Design of a Reentry Pilot Program*Pracha Peter Eamranond, MD, MPH, Harvard UniversityMedical, Reentry,
459a Technology Solutions for Optimizing Care With Reduced Staff*Rebecca Greene, RN, ADN, North Carolina Department of Adult Correction
Gregory Heath, RN, North Carolina Department of Public Safety
Valerie Langley, RN, North Carolina Department of Adult Correction
Nursing, Technology
460a Predictably Unpredicted: The Disconnect Between Data Science and Patient Care*Benjamin Covington, PhD, Indiana Department of CorrectionAdministration, Quality, Technology
Tuesday, October 22, 2024, 3:45 PM - 4:15 PM
453b Mother Antonia: A Tribute to Lift Your Spirits*Susan Laffan, RN, CCHP-RN, CCHP-A, Correctional Health Care ConsultantProfessional Development
454b Improving Care for High Utilizers of Urgent and Hospital Care*Wendy Ruggeri, MD, Los Angeles County Correctional Health ServicesAdministration, Medical
455b Policies and Practices for Successful Youth Suicide Prevention*John Bolla, MS, SUDP, DSPS, Washington State Department of Children, Youth and Families
Beth Rogers, LMHC, MA, Washington State Department of Children, Youth and Families
Juvenile, Mental Health, Suicide Prevention
456b The Significance of Universal Hepatitis A Vaccine Recommendations for the Incarcerated Population*Judy Kim, MS, Western University of Health SciencesInfectious Disease, Medical
457b Implementing the Certified Peer Program: Benefits for Security and Patients*Walter Dych, State of Delaware
Elizabeth Romero, MS, Delaware Department of Correction
Administration, Mental Health
458b It’s Essential: Continuity of Care after IncarcerationAlison Jordan, LCSW, MSW, CCHP, ACOJA Consulting LLC
Jacqueline Cruzado-Quinones, ACOJA Consulting LLC
459b Using Technology to Improve Care for Vulnerable Populations*Christine Joll, BSN, MBA, MSHA, CCHP, Harris Health System
Kiki Teal, RN, MBA, MSN, CCHP-RN, Harris Health System
Dena Villanueva, DNP, MSN, RN, CCHP-RN, Harris Health System
Quality, Technology
460b Successes and Challenges in Establishing a Jail Pharmacy*Oyinkansola Akindele, PharmD, Harris Health System
Han Do, PharmD, Harris Health System
Leroy Perkins, PharmD, Harris County Sheriff's Office
Administration, Quality
Tuesday, October 22, 2024, 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM
461 CANCELED Chronic Medical Care for Diagnostic Excellence  
462 Motivational Interviewing for Lifestyle Change and Patient Compliance*Tom Rowley, APRN, DNP, FNP-C, CCHP, University of UtahMental Health, Nursing, Professional Development
463 I'm Still Here: Caring for Our Aging Population*Heather Casady, PsyD, Idaho Department of CorrectionMental Health, Special Populations
464 Leveraging New Federal Policies to Expand Access to Substance Use Care and Strengthen Reentry*Gabrielle de la Gueronniere, JD, Legal Action Center
Mark Parrino, MPA, American Association for the Treatment of Opioid Dependence
Administration, Juvenile, Legal, Reentry, Substance Use
465 New Ideas for Adolescent Sexual Health Education*Andrea Gerber, MSEd, Public Health - Seattle & King County
Iman Shervington, MFA, Institute of Women & Ethnic Studies
Graciela Leal, MA, PCI Media
Juvenile, Women's Health
466 Antibiotic Resistance and Stewardship: The Role of Infection Control*Sue Medley-Lane, RN, CCHP-A, Centurion HealthInfectious Disease, Medical
467 Continuous Quality Improvement and Quality Assurance: Working in Harmony*Faith Saporsantos, RN, MHA, MSN, CRRN, CCHP, Mazars USA LLP
Patricia Wong, BSN, RN, CCHP, Mazars USA LLP
Capt. Joseph Atienza, Santa Rita Jail and Glenn Dyer Detention Facility
Quality, Technology
468 Registered Dietitians: The Missing Link in CorrectionsKelli Hayes, RN, BSN, CCHP, Caddo Parish Sheriffs Office
Jennifer Jackson, RDN, EdD, LD, Keystone Nutrition
Administration, Nutrition, Staffing/Workforce Issues
Wednesday, October 23, 2024, 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM
RT - 01 Adapting the CDC Infection Control Assessment Response Tools for Correctional InfirmariesBrandon Halleck, BS, Indiana Department of HealthAdministration, Infectious Disease
RT - 02 Geriatric Care for Incarcerated Populations*Panayiota Courelli, PhD, California Correctional Health Care Services
Saya Sarma, BS, USC Alzheimer's Disease Research Center
Medical, Nursing, Special Populations
RT - 03 Suicide Prevention for Primary Care Professionals*David Dawdy, MA, LLP, CCHP, TBD SolutionsSuicide Prevention
RT -04 Solutions for Rural Jails*Richard Forbus, MBA, CCHP, National Commission on Correctional Health CareAdministration, Quality, Staffing/Workforce Issues
RT - 05 Therapeutic Recreation/Activity Therapy for Dementia*Norissa Greaves, Centurion Health
Amy Stratton, CTRS, Augusta State Medical Prison
Carletta Mingoes Allen, Centurion Health
Mental Health, Special Populations
RT - 06 Best Practices for MOUD: Our Journey to NCCHC Accreditation*Christine Krochko, BS, Plymouth County Correctional Facility
Michael Hartigan, Plymouth County Correctional Facility
Standards and Accreditation, Substance Use
RT - 07 The Importance of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion*Lauren Black, Los Angeles County
Shilana Williams, MS, Los Angeles County Department of Health Services
Trevon Smith, Los Angeles County Correctional Health Services
Staffing/Workforce Issues,
RT - 08 Correctional Staff/Nursing Retention and EngagementF. Brian Liebel, RN, BS, BSN, CCHP, Centurion HealthAdministration, Nursing, Staffing/Workforce Issues
Wednesday, October 23, 2024, 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM
469 Prescriber Challenges: Abused and Misused Medications*Lawrence Reccoppa, MD, WellpathMental Health, Pharmaceuticals, Substance Use
470 Implementing Community Standards for Women's Reproductive Health CareSadaf Possani, FNP, Wellpath
Stephanie Ho, MD, MPH, Wellpath
Administration, Women's Health
471 Fit to Proceed: Developing a Sustainable Jail-Based Competency Restoration Program*Krystin Holmes, PhD, LPC-S, NCC, LMFT-S, The Harris Center for Mental Health and IDD
Shaun Ward, Harris County Sheriff's Office
Legal, Mental Health, Special Populations
472 The First 90 Days: A Guide to Navigating the Early Stages of Litigation*Jaclyn Kinkade, JD, Cassiday Schade LLP
James Maruna, JD, Cassiday Schade LLP
Administration, Legal
473 Prevalence and Prevention of Fungal Infections*Ellen Smith, MPH, MSN, CCHP, US Public Health ServiceInfectious Disease, Medical
474 Comprehensive HIV Care: Preplanning, Prevention, and Postrelease Support*Melanie Davis, MT(ASCP), CCHP, South Carolina Department of Corrections
Monetha Gaskin, MPH, CCHP, South Carolina Department of Public Health
Brandi Johnson, Prisma Health Immunology Center
Medical, Nursing, Reentry, Special Populations
475 Wellness Training Benefits for Compassion Fatigue and Burnout*Sonya Scott, MS, Cook County Juvenile Temporary Detention Center
Erie Solomon, MBA, Cook County Juvenile Temporary Detention Center
Professional Development, Staffing/Workforce Issues,
476 Implementing MAT Continuum of Care in Jails: Lessons Learned*Jacqueline Abdalla, MD, Sacramento County Correctional Health Services
Tianna Hammock, CCHP, Sacramento County Correctional Health Services
Richard VandenHeuvel, MSW, Health Management Associates (HMA)
Administration, Medical, Mental Health, Substance Use
Wednesday, October 23, 2024, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
477 Cancer Care: Barriers and Best Practices*Christopher Manz, MD, Dana-Farber Cancer InstituteMedical
478 Holistic Nursing: Resolving Patient Issues With Integrative Care TechniquesChristine Richardson, PhD, JD, LPN, Correct Consultants, LLCMental Health, Nursing
479 Addressing Mental Health Disparities for Racial and Ethnic Minorities*Sahra Abdullahi, MA, Wayne County Jail (Naphcare)Mental Health
480 Innovative Strategies for Correctional Health Recruiting and Retention*Pat Lozito, MBA, CCHP, NaphCare, Inc.
Sara Manning, RN, BSN, CCHP, San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department
Administration, Staffing/Workforce Issues
481 From Internal Reporting to Customizing Care: Elevate Your EMR*Benjamin Covington, PhD, Indiana Department of CorrectionAdministration, Medical, Technology
482 Writing Effective Policies and Procedures*KellyAnne Lee, MBA, MSN, CCRN, CCHP-RN, Centurion HealthAdministration, Quality
483 Trends in Alcohol Use Disorder: Impact on Screening and Treatment*Megan Leinen, RN, BSN, MBA, CCHP, WellpathMedical, Mental Health, Nursing, Substance Use
484 CANCELED Chronic Suicide Risk Factors of Justice-Involved Individuals* Mental Health, Suicide Prevention
Wednesday, October 23, 2024, 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM
486 Correctional Nurse Practice Update: Protecting Your PracticeLaToya Duckworth, RN, BSN, MHA, CCHP-RN, Nebraska Department of Correctional ServicesNursing
487 Moral Injury: Addressing the "Soul Wounds" of the Health Care Workforce*Stephanie Gangemi, PhD, LCSW, CCHP, University of Colorado
Camille Dysart, MSW, Colorado Department of Corrections
Mental Health, Staffing/Workforce Issues
488 The Six Most Common Mistakes in Correctional Litigation*Doug Bitner, JD, Stoll Keenon OgdenLegal
489 Enhancing Performance Through SBAR Implementation*Shawna Scully, DO, Emergence Health NetworkAdministration, Quality, Staffing/Workforce Issues
490 Effective Onboarding for Trainers and Administrators*Elmeada Frias, MAS, CCHP, YesCare
Latasha McMillan, RN, MSHA, MSN, CCHP, YesCare
Administration, Professional Development, Staffing/Workforce Issues,
491 An Investigation of Diversion of Medications for Opioid Use Disorder*Claire Wolfe, MA, MPH, CCHP, NCCHC Resources, Inc.
Sabrina Gaiazov, MPH, Indivior
Pharmaceuticals, Substance Use
492 The Jail Is on Fire: Emergency Preparedness Using NCCHC StandardsTracey Titus, RN, CCHP-RN, CCHP-A, Centurion Health
Jim Martin, BS, MPSA, CCHP, Physician Correctional, USA
Administration, Standards and Accreditation,
Wednesday, October 23, 2024, 12:15 PM - 1:30 PM
Educational Luncheon  
Wednesday, October 23, 2024, 1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
493 CANCELED Managing Hunger Strikes: Clinical, Ethical, and Legal Best Practices* Legal, Medical
494 Sickle Cell Disease ReviewSusan Laffan, RN, CCHP-RN, CCHP-A, Correctional Health Care ConsultantNursing, Special Populations
495 Individualized Suicide Risk Assessment and Intervention*Joel Andrade, PhD, LICSW, MSW, CCHP-MH, Falcon Correctional and Community Services
Corey Brawner, PhD, CCHP, Falcon Correctional and Community Services
Mental Health, Suicide Prevention
496 Dental Antibiotic Stewardship and UseMichael Corum, DDS, CCHP, Mid America Health, Inc.
Rob Schmidt, DDS, Mid America Health, Inc.
Medical, Oral Health
497 Combating the Syphilis Epidemic*Anil Mangla, PhD, MPH, MS, Southern Nevada Health District
Mariel Marlow, PhD, MPH, CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Rosanne Sugay, MD, MPH, Southern Nevada Health District
Infectious Disease, Medical, Women's Health
498 Identifying and Addressing Autism*David Stephens, PsyD, Falcon Inc.Mental Health, Special Populations
499 A Roadmap for MOUD Success*Thomas Lincoln, MD, CCHP-CP, Baystate Health Systems
Danielle Mimitz, LMHC, MA, Hampden County Sheriff's Office
Keisha Williams, RN, MSN, CCHP, Hampden County Sheriff's Office
Administration, Substance Use
Wednesday, October 23, 2024, 3:15 PM - 4:15 PM
500 Implementing a Large-Scale HCV Treatment Program Without an EHR*Neil Fisher, MD, CCHP, Wexford Health Sources, Inc.
Dina Paul, MD, Wexford Health Sources, Inc.
Robert Young, RN, Wexford Health Sources, Inc.
Infectious Disease, Medical
501 Documentation Tips and TricksDeborah Ash, RN, MBA, MSN, CCHP-RN, Correctional Medical-Legal Consulting
Laurina Boryca, RN, MBA, Wexford Health Sources, Inc.
Legal, Nursing
502 Strategies for Reducing Solitary Confinement of Seriously Mentally Ill Patients*Danielle Dass, PhD, LCSW, University of California at Davis Jail Psychiatric Services
Deanna Patterson, PhD, CCHP, University of California at Davis Jail Psychiatric Services
Amanda Bell, LCSW, University of California at Davis Jail Psychiatric Services
Administration, Mental Health, Special Populations
503 Empowering Compliance and Quality Improvement Through Business Intelligence*Pat Lozito, MBA, CCHP, NaphCare, Inc.
Stephan Pichardo, MBA, MSc, NaphCare, Inc.
Quality, Technology
504 Building Bridges to Improve Patient OutcomesRichard Forbus, MBA, CCHP, National Commission on Correctional Health Care
Fred Meyer, CJM, MA, CCHP, NCCHC Resources, Inc.
Administration, Staffing/Workforce Issues,

As of August 9, 2024. Subject to change.